
Obama Not Sparing Chamber Of Commerce

Obama Not Sparing Chamber Of Commerce,hogan

The Republicans are campaigning heavily via independent political advertisements for the upcoming mid-term elections in November. President Obama and Democrats are taking a strong stand at this and have been attacking the Republicans to disclose about the funds that are being used for such political campaigning.

While rallying for a Democrat candidate Joe Sestak,billige MBT Schuhe, the president said in the rally that American people have the right to know that from where this much money is coming from? Obama also raises suspicions that this money can be from foreign corporations or the oil industry. The republicans are already blamed for keeping un-fair attitude towards corporate greed and outsourcing American jobs abroad. Obama asked his opponents to disclose their funding sources as the American people deserved to know. David Axelrod,hogan vendita, one of the top advisors to Obama said on CBS that such political donation in secret is a threat to the American democracy. This spending on the campaigns has added heat to the American politics. The democrats are reacting with sharp attacks as they fear losing some seats in house as well as the senate.

The democrats have seized a document report by Think Progress,mbt zum Verkauf, which has documented Chamber of commerce ties to mChams?and other overseas business groups that pay dues to US based businesses,christian louboutin soldes, which uses this money to fund the political campaigns. This allegation has been denied by chamber officials stating that the group collects about $100,Christian Louboutin Pas Cher,000 in dues from affiliates abroad and cordon off that money for more international programs. They have denied disclosing any further details under the guise of confidentiality rules governing the nonprofit organizations. The white house spokesperson says that President Obama is making a disclosure argument citing that this is in the interest of the nation. According to him all organizations should disclose this in order to clarify doubt that foreign money is used for US elections.

When asked if the general voter really cares about this issue,mbt schuhe günstig, Earnest says that it goes in the larger perspective and the national interest. He says that it is more about republicans defending corporate greed in the congress and blocking president agenda for a transparent system and making more jobs available in USA. Legal experts on democratic as well as republican sides say that there is a ban on using foreign funds for political campaigns in US,hogan, but republicans allege that democrats have not come up with any hard evidence which proves this scenario that the chamber is violating that ban. Related articles:

